Saturday, July 19, 2008

Barcelona Harley Days

Last weekend, there was a huge biker rally here in Barcelona. There was a big group of Harley riders touring across Europe, and they came here. I think it was the first time that the Harley dudes have had a meetup in Barcelona. For some reason, they are really popular in Italy because we saw so many leather jackets with Italian biker patches. Surprisingly there weren't many expat Americans, but there were plenty of American patches, eagles, Native American shops, etc. It would have been cool to buy a shirt or something for some brother of Danielle's, but the t-shirts were, after the Euro-Dollar conversion, 48 bucks.

Haha, awesome. Here is the magic fountain of Plaza Espana. The colored fountains light up and move to classical music. Tonight, the background music was heavy metal. I can't imagine what the uninformed tourists were thinking... hehehe

Just one of the bike lots. We saw people sadly pushing out their Honda "scoopys" because they were shamed.


yeah, the one on the right has a saddle

Coke Harley

Hogs buying hogs. See the legs hanging?

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