Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Paris part 2: Louvre museum

The first place we went to in Paris was the Louvre. I couldn't have gone to Paris as an art student and NOT hit this place up. Anyway, it was an experience I would recommend to anyone with a couple of hours of time on their hands and who won't mind getting absolutely lost in this massive building.
There are a lot of photos here, but it's a tiny amount compared to what we saw. Most of these images are a more interesting point of view compared to what you would regularly see. We aren't labeling the photos with names, and titles, etc. because you won't read all of them anyway! :)
(click to enlarge the images)

Hey it's liberty!

Art on the outside too..

haha what a wig on that guy up there!!

Actually I was laughing at this :)

Hall o' sculpture

Hi mom, it's mercury

Such a cool image.

Why's that guy even pointing at me? Man...

Study of a character.

Detail of a zodiac on the ceiling. Very cool lighting.


Li'l fat man! They made coins with his face from this sculpture.

The ceilings were art as well. Incredible.

Liberty, again?

Hall o' paintings.

Napoleon proclaiming himself emperor.

This would make a cool painting.

This one just turned out so bizarre!

Soul escaping the tomb!

old writing...

...and old bread!

And at the end, the rest of the pyramid.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like the both of yoy are doing great and having fun. Its so cool seeing all the pictures from Paris makes me really want to go there. I look forward to many more great pics from your adventure.