Tuesday, June 24, 2008

ok... ready for some photos? (PARIS part 1..)

So, we've finally returned from a great and unexpectedly long trip to Paris. We were supposed to leave Barcelona on Tuesday and return on Friday, but we didn't make it back until Sunday night. It took us two days to take trains home to Barcelona, with stops in Toulouse and Narbonne. We have SO MANY photos ... We won't bore you with everyone else's postcard views of the Eiffel Tower and other Paris monuments. Instead, we have more interesting views from this beautiful city. But first, to get some of the "normal" pictures out of the way..... :)

**check back as we'll be updating this post often with new photos**

Carlos and I on Pont Neuf over the Seine River. Next time we need to go with other people so we don't have to take pictures of ourselves!

Well I had to put this one in, right?

Venus de Milo at the Louvre, which is going to be the subject of another post.
Arc de Triomphe on a beautiful afternoon.

And of course, the Louvre with that Pyramid.

. . .
1. The people

Accordion players by Notre Dame.

The people of Paris are in love with people watching. When you go to a cafe, half of the restaurant is outside, under the terrace, with all the chairs facing the street. People eat and then will have coffee at a cafe until late at night, smoking, watching life on the streets pass. At this time of year, the sky isn't dark until 11pm, so there's more time for being out and observing the city at night.

I just like this picture.

Live jazz at the park beside the Notre Dame.

The street where we stayed in an apartment from the 30s.
From wikipedia...
Montparnasse became famous at the beginning of the 20th century, referred to as les Années Folles (the Crazy Years), when it was the heart of intellectual and artistic life in Paris.
A few of the other artists who gathered in Montparnasse were Pablo Picasso, Guillaume Apollinaire, Ossip Zadkine, Moise Kisling, Jean Cocteau, Erik Satie, Marios Varvoglis, Marc Chagall, Nina Hamnett, Jean Rhys, Fernand Leger, Jacques Lipchitz, Max Jacob, Blaise Cendrars, Chaim Soutine, Michel Kikoine, Pinchus Kremegne, Amedeo Modigliani, Ford Madox Ford, Toño Salazar, Ezra Pound, Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, Suzanne Duchamp-Crotti, Henri Rousseau, Constantin Brancusi, Paul Fort, Juan Gris, Diego Rivera, Marevna, Tsuguharu Foujita, Marie Vassilieff, Léon-Paul Fargue, Alberto Giacometti, René Iché, Andre Breton, Pascin, Salvador Dalí, Henry Miller, Samuel Beckett, Joan Miró and, in his declining years, Edgar Degas.

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