Thursday, May 22, 2008


Here's an assortment of photos from the last week... please bear with me as I try to add them on this VERY slow connection! (you can click to enlarge them)

Barcelona beach wants to stay clean (and in multiple languages, too)

A wide shot of the city and the sea. It was a good day for windsurfing and sailing. Soon I hope to be out on the water in some nice sailboat...

¨The Casino Barcelona is set in one of the finest spots in the city, the Port Olímpic in Barcelona, beneath the luxury of the Hotel Arts and the golden lights of the Fish, designed by architect Frank Owen Gehry.¨

Carlos at the yacht and sailboat harbor!

just me

Two girls holding on to their ¨bicing¨ bikes. The city has a cool program that has these bikes all over town - but to rent them you have to get a year contract.

Fancy people eating fancy black ink pasta on their fancy table on Barcelona beach.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awesome pics guys! i hope you are having so much fun!